Our librarians have put together several activities, for a variety of challenges and levels. Complete an activity and you might unlock a more advanced one, and bragging rights, cool badges and maybe even a prize!

"Something Large and Wild"

Listen to an episode of the This is Love Podcast entitled "Something Large and Wild." 

This episode features "an unconventional love story aout a teenager, the Pacific Ocean, and an ecounter with something wild--- a baby whale." 

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"Something Large and Wild"

Listen to an episode of the This is Love Podcast entitled "Something Large and Wild." 

This episode features "an unconventional love story aout a teenager, the Pacific Ocean, and an ecounter with something wild--- a baby whale." 

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100 Things To Do Before Kindergarten

List of fun things to do with your child before they enter kindergarten.

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Backyard Fort
Gather a your team of builders and construct a backyard fort!  Practice your teamwork, design, and building skills to make an awesome fort. 

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Backyard Fort
Gather a your team of builders and construct a backyard fort!  Practice your teamwork, design, and building skills to make an awesome fort. 

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Backyard Fort
Gather a your team of builders and construct a backyard fort!  Practice your teamwork, design, and building skills to make an awesome fort. 

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Beach Treats
Fix yourself one of these sea inspired treats and earn program points! 

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Beach Treats
Fix yourself one of these sea inspired treats and earn program points! 

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Beach Treats
Fix yourself one of these sea inspired treats and earn program points! 

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Captain's Log

Captain’s logs and ship’s logs have a rich history, and provide insight into how life on seafaring vessels went (and still go today). Continue this tradition by keeping track of what, where, and how you read this summer. 

Challenge yourself to complete at least five tasks from the list below. How many can you complete?

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Community Building
Decorate your Community building project and turn it in by Week 4 of Summer reading to earn extra points toward your program total! 

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Community Building
Decorate your Community building project and turn it in by Week 4 of Summer reading to earn extra points toward your program total! 

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Community Building
Decorate your Community building project and turn it in by Week 4 of Summer reading to earn extra points toward your program total! 

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Crystal Geode Eggs

With a little bit of science magic, transform leftover eggshells into a crystal geode!  Using leftover pieces or upcycling things for a new purpose is an egg-cellent (not sorry for the egg pun) way to nuture nature. 

This task will require parental/ caregiver support and may not be appropriate for very young children. 

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Crystal Geode Eggs

With a little bit of science magic, transform leftover eggshells into a crystal geode!  Using leftover pieces or upcycling things for a new purpose is an egg-cellent (not sorry for the egg pun) way to nuture nature. 

This task will require parental/ caregiver support and may not be appropriate for very young children. 

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Crystal Geode Eggs

With a little bit of science magic, transform leftover eggshells into a crystal geode!  Using leftover pieces or upcycling things for a new purpose is an egg-cellent (not sorry for the egg pun) way to nuture nature. 

This task will require parental/ caregiver support and may not be appropriate for very young children. 

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Egg Carton Animal Portraits
One of our weekly themes this Summer is Nurturing Nature. With this theme, we will explore our connections to the natural enviroment and think about ways we can nurture nature. Using things that would otherwise be thrown away for new and novel purposes is just one way to help. For this challenge turn egg cartons into amusing animal portraits. 

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Famous Ocean Explorers
Complete the Famous Ocean Explorers Fact File Worksheet to earn extra points toward your program total! 

Do not be afraid to ask an adult or older sibling for help! 

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Famous Ocean Explorers
Complete the Famous Ocean Explorers Fact File Worksheet   earn extra points toward your program total! 

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Help Save the Bees!

You have probably heard or seen a plea to help save the bees - maybe on a tshirt, a bumper sticker, poster, or even a commerical. Bee populations are on the decline due to pesticide use, habitat loss, and environmental factors.  But why are bees so important? 

Bees are pivotal for our food systems and the very air we breathe: 
- Help produce 1/3 of our food supply
- Help provide 1/2 of the world's fibers, oils, and raw materials
- Help create medicines
-Provide food for wildlife
-Help prevent soil erosion

To satisfy this mission, take an action that will help bees such as making a bee watering station or planting a pollinator garden. 

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Help Save the Bees!

You have probably heard or seen a plea to help save the bees - maybe on a tshirt, a bumper sticker, poster, or even a commerical. Bee populations are on the decline due to pesticide use, habitat loss, and environmental factors.  But why are bees so important? 

Bees are pivotal for our food systems and the very air we breathe: 
- Help produce 1/3 of our food supply
- Help provide 1/2 of the world's fibers, oils, and raw materials
- Help create medicines
-Provide food for wildlife
-Help prevent soil erosion

To satisfy this mission, take an action that will help bees such as making a bee watering station or planting a pollinator garden. 

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Help Save the Bees!

You have probably heard or seen a plea to help save the bees - maybe on a tshirt, a bumper sticker, poster, or even a commerical. Bee populations are on the decline due to pesticide use, habitat loss, and environmental factors.  But why are bees so important? 

Bees are pivotal for our food systems and the very air we breathe: 
- Help produce 1/3 of our food supply
- Help provide 1/2 of the world's fibers, oils, and raw materials
- Help create medicines
-Provide food for wildlife
-Help prevent soil erosion

To satisfy this mission, take an action that will help bees such as making a bee watering station or planting a pollinator garden. 

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Here Be Sea Monsters
Learn about mythical sea monsters and sea monsters that actually exist! 

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Inspired by the Ocean
Complete and turn in your Inspired by the Ocean Project to earn program points!

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Inspired by the Ocean
Complete and turn in your Inspired by the Ocean Project to earn program points!

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Inspired by the Ocean
Complete and turn in your Inspired by the Ocean Project to earn program points!

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Jellyfish art
Make a mixed media jellyfish inspired art piece. 

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Jellyfish art
Make a mixed media jellyfish art piece

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10 Pts
Kindness Counts

Do something nice and show kindness to others! These activities are great ways to show your generosity.

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Learn about the "50 Yard Challenge"
Learn about "The 50 Yard Challenge". 

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Learn about the "50 Yard Challenge"
Learn about "The 50 Yard Challenge". 

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Learn about the Mariana Trench
Learn about the deepest part of the ocean! 

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Learn about the Mariana Trench

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Leave the Trail Better than You Found It
Go out for a walk and or a hike and leave the trail better than you found it! 

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Leave the Trail Better than You Found It
Go out for a walk and or a hike and leave the trail better than you found it! 

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Listen to a Circle Round Podcast

Circle Round isa podcast “Created and produced by parents of young children, WBUR's CircleRound adapts carefully-selected folktales from around the world into sound- andmusic-rich radio plays for kids ages 4 to 10. Each 10- to 20-minute episodeexplores important issues like kindness, persistence and generosity. And eachepisode ends with an activity that inspires a deeper conversation betweenchildren and grown-ups.”

This mission challenges you to listen to at least one podcast episode and reflect on what you have heard. 

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Listen to a Circle Round Podcast

Circle Round is a podcast “Created and produced by parents of young children, WBUR's CircleRound adapts carefully-selected folktales from around the world into sound- andmusic-rich radio plays for kids ages 4 to 10. Each 10- to 20-minute episodeexplores important issues like kindness, persistence and generosity. And eachepisode ends with an activity that inspires a deeper conversation betweenchildren and grown-ups.”

This mission challenges you to listen to at least one podcast episode and reflect on what you have heard. 

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Listen to a Kind World Podcast
Learn about wonderful organizations that are helping others by listening to an episode of the Connect Kindness Podcast whose mission is to "connect people with nonprofit organizations to inspire kindness. By featuring the founders and directors of the organizations on our podcast, our listeners can learn more about the nonprofits." 

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Make a Telescope
Make a telescope! 

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Make a Telescope
Make a telescope! 

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Make homemade bubbles!
Use your measuring skills to follow a recipe to make your own bubble solution at home! 

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Make homemade bubbles!
Use your measuring skills to follow a recipe to make your own bubble solution at home! 

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My Ocean Animal Adventure
Tell us about your favorite ocean animal adventure. 

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My Ocean Animal Adventure
Tell us about your favorite ocean animal adventure. 

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My Ocean Animal Adventure
Tell us about your favorite ocean animal adventure. 

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Natterin' as a Scallywag -- Pirate Speak
Learn about Pirate terms and phrases so you can talk like a pirate! 

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20 Pts
Navigating by the Stars

When the sun set at night, sailors used the stars to navigate. Stars move across the sky from east to west, and some stars, called rise and set stars, begin and end their nightly path below the horizon. Sailors determined their heading by watching the movement of the stars the same way they watched the sun’s movement. Sailors measured the height of the stars in the sky to track their progress.

Sailors also used their knowledge of the constellations to navigate. Because constellations change seasonally, mariners had to know which constellations were visible in the sky at different times of the year in each hemisphere. Based on the location of certain constellations in the sky, sailors could determine what direction they were heading. The North Star was also a valuable marker for early navigators. (text sourced from https://www.formulaboats.com/blog/history-of-navigation-at-sea/#:~:text=When%20the%20sun%20set%20at,they%20watched%20the%20sun's%20movement.) 

Can you navigate with the night sky? 

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20 Pts
Navigating by the Stars

When the sun set at night, sailors used the stars to navigate. Stars move across the sky from east to west, and some stars, called rise and set stars, begin and end their nightly path below the horizon. Sailors determined their heading by watching the movement of the stars the same way they watched the sun’s movement. Sailors measured the height of the stars in the sky to track their progress.

Sailors also used their knowledge of the constellations to navigate. Because constellations change seasonally, mariners had to know which constellations were visible in the sky at different times of the year in each hemisphere. Based on the location of certain constellations in the sky, sailors could determine what direction they were heading. The North Star was also a valuable marker for early navigators. (text sourced from https://www.formulaboats.com/blog/history-of-navigation-at-sea/#:~:text=When%20the%20sun%20set%20at,they%20watched%20the%20sun's%20movement.) 

Can you navigate with the night sky? 

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20 Pts
Navigating by the Stars

When the sun set at night, sailors used the stars to navigate. Stars move across the sky from east to west, and some stars, called rise and set stars, begin and end their nightly path below the horizon. Sailors determined their heading by watching the movement of the stars the same way they watched the sun’s movement. Sailors measured the height of the stars in the sky to track their progress.

Sailors also used their knowledge of the constellations to navigate. Because constellations change seasonally, mariners had to know which constellations were visible in the sky at different times of the year in each hemisphere. Based on the location of certain constellations in the sky, sailors could determine what direction they were heading. The North Star was also a valuable marker for early navigators. (text sourced from https://www.formulaboats.com/blog/history-of-navigation-at-sea/#:~:text=When%20the%20sun%20set%20at,they%20watched%20the%20sun's%20movement.) 

Can you navigate with the night sky? 

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Ocean Creature Feature
Complete the Ocean Creature Feature worksheet 

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Ocean Creature Feature
Complete the Ocean Creature Feature worksheet 

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15 Pts
Ocean Movement
How does a jellyfish move? Learn different ways creatures in the ocean move while getting up and moving!

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15 Pts
Ocean Movement
How does a jellyfish move? Learn different ways creatures in the ocean move while getting up and moving!

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15 Pts
Ocean Movement
How does a jellyfish move? Learn different ways creatures in the ocean move while getting up and moving!

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Write and Mail a letter to a friend or a penpal! 

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Write and Mail a letter to a friend or a penpal! 

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20 Pts
Pirate Scavenger Hunt

Arrgh! Think you are ready to be a pirate? Can you find at least 5 pirate-themed items. Look around your house, the library, park, all around you!

Describe the items you find and make sure to mention how or where you found them to earn points! 

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Pirate Treasure Scavanger Hunt
Ahoy, matey! It is time to go on a Treasure Hunt. 

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Plastic Spoon Chef

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Plastic Spoon Chef

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Practicing Playwrights
Create your very own dramatic production! 

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Practicing Playwrights
Create your very own dramatic production! 

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15 Pts
Random Acts of Kindness

Small gestures make the most difference on a daily basis. It's easy to get so preoccupied with our own lives that we forget about others, but with just one simple act of kindness, we can change the way someone else's day goes, and we can better ourselves and the world in the process. This challenge is designed for you to take the time to do something for someone else — and hopefully they will pay it forward to the next person!

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Read a book about a different culture

Culture is everything that describes a particular group of people. The group can be; a family, a religious group, or people from a different town, neighbourhood, country, or city. It can also be people who share a similar ethnic background, life dynamics, or work cultureCulture is often used to describe the features exhibited through history, language, food, arts, geography, family values, and beliefs.

A practice of reading books written by different people from different cultures helps you learn numerous facts about the culture, which stimulates the mind.  In addition, you’ll be able to identify with the culture and understand the world better.  Learning about other cultures can help enhance communication, minimize stereotyping, and teach you new ways of doing things. 

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Read a book about a different culture

Culture is everything that describes a particular group of people. The group can be; a family, a religious group, or people from a different town, neighbourhood, country, or city. It can also be people who share a similar ethnic background, life dynamics, or work cultureCulture is often used to describe the features exhibited through history, language, food, arts, geography, family values, and beliefs.

A practice of reading books written by different people from different cultures helps you learn numerous facts about the culture, which stimulates the mind.  In addition, you’ll be able to identify with the culture and understand the world better.  Learning about other cultures can help enhance communication, minimize stereotyping, and teach you new ways of doing things. 

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Read a book about a different culture

Culture is everything that describes a particular group of people. The group can be; a family, a religious group, or people from a different town, neighbourhood, country, or city. It can also be people who share a similar ethnic background, life dynamics, or work cultureCulture is often used to describe the features exhibited through history, language, food, arts, geography, family values, and beliefs.

A practice of reading books written by different people from different cultures helps you learn numerous facts about the culture, which stimulates the mind.  In addition, you’ll be able to identify with the culture and understand the world better.  Learning about other cultures can help enhance communication, minimize stereotyping, and teach you new ways of doing things. 

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Recipes from around the globe
Make and try  simple recipes for tasty snacks from around the globe 

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Recipes from around the globe
Make and try  simple recipes for tasty snacks from around the globe 

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Recipes from around the globe
Make and try  simple recipes for tasty snacks from around the globe 

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Sea Shanty
Listen to a sea shanty! 

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Sea Shanty
Listen to a sea shanty! 

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10 Pts
Share the Joy
Let's work together! Complete the activities below with your little one.

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Sharing Recipes
Why share recipes? Sharing recipes motivates you to try new, exciting foods and cooking techniques. Sharing recipes also invites others to share back with you which in turn creates stronger connections between people. How better to come together than sharing a snack, treat, or meal. 

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Sharing Recipes
Why share recipes? Sharing recipes motivates you to try new, exciting foods and cooking techniques. Sharing recipes also invites others to share back with you which in turn creates stronger connections between people. How better to come together than sharing a snack, treat, or meal. 

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Sharing Recipes
Why share recipes? Sharing recipes motivates you to try new, exciting foods and cooking techniques. Sharing recipes also invites others to share back with you which in turn creates stronger connections between people. How better to come together than sharing a snack, treat, or meal. 

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Supply Drive for Isaiah 117 House
Let's work "All Together Now" to gather supplies to support the community based mission of the  Isaiah 117 House. 

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Supply Drive for Isaiah 117 House
Let's work "All Together Now" to gather supplies to support the community based mission of the  Isaiah 117 House. 

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Supply Drive for Isaiah 117 House
Let's work "All Together Now" to gather supplies to support the community based mission of the  Isaiah 117 House. 

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Tennessee was once a sea?!
Learn about how our very own state of Tennessee was once under a sea!

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The Deep Sea
Explore the Depths of the Deep Sea on your screen! 

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The Deep Sea
Explore the Depths of the Deep Sea on your screen! 

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The Deep Sea
Explore the Depths of the Deep Sea on your screen! 

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Trashion Show-- Fashion from Recycled Items
Design an outfit or piece of apparel out of materials that would otherwise be recycled. Wear your creation to week 4 and/ or submit a photo of your completed piece

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Trashion Show-- Fashion from Recycled Items
Design an outfit or piece of apparel out of materials that would otherwise be recycled. Wear your creation to week 4 and/ or submit a photo of your completed piece

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Trashion Show-- Fashion from Recycled Items
Design an outfit or piece of apparel out of materials that would otherwise be recycled. Wear your creation to week 4 and/ or submit a photo of your completed piece

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15 Pts
USS Greeneville
Uncover information about the U.S.S. Greeneville. 

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15 Pts
USS Greeneville
Uncover information about the U.S.S. Greeneville. 

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Traveling to the Moon, Mars, and Beyond with NASA’s Artemis Project
NASA is taking the first step in the next era of human exploration with the Artemis spaceflight program! In ancient Greek mythology, Artemis was the goddess of the Moon and twin sister to the sun god Apollo. Much like NASA’s Apollo program, which took humans to the Moon in the 1960s and 1970s, the Artemis program will take humans, including the first woman and the first person of color, back to the Moon and prepare us for traveling to Mars and beyond for the first time.

The following activities are all about the Artemis program and NASA’s plans for a new generation of crewed spaceflight. Complete three of the six activities to earn your “Moon, Mars, and Beyond” badge.

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Back to the Moon with NASA’s Artemis Project
NASA is taking the first step in the next era of human exploration with the Artemis spaceflight program! Going back to the Moon and building a permanent presence on the lunar surface is a crucial step towards putting humans on Mars for the first time.

Learn all about NASA’s plans for lunar exploration and earn the "Back to the Moon" badge by completing four of the eight activities below!

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Many Miles to Mars with NASA’s Artemis Project
NASA is taking the first step in the next era of human exploration with the Artemis spaceflight program! The Artemis program is all about sending humans back to the Moon in preparation for an even more challenging goal: human travel to Mars, the Red Planet!

Earn this badge and learn more about Mars by completing three of the five activities below!

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Planning and Prototyping with NASA’s Artemis Project
NASA is taking the first step in the next era of human exploration with the Artemis spaceflight program! Space travel requires massive amounts of planning, design, prototyping, and testing to ensure the vehicles and tools sent with astronauts into space are safe and reliable.

Dive deeper into NASA’s planning and prototyping process for the Artemis missions and earn this badge by completing three of the five activities below!

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